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Thread: Barack Obama's citizenship questioned

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  1. #5541
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 02-26-2014 at 04:10 PM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  2. #5542
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    I haven't paid the $29.11 yet for this "Impeach Obama" fax blast to Congress, times 2.

    But I find it subtly amusing to consider the scene if untold thousands of petitioners were to pay for monthly recurring fax blasts to Congressional offices. In those offices which print faxes on paper rather than write them to disk as digital files, each and every Senator and Representative would have to hire a clerk just to tend the fax machines.

    The scene wouldn't be an outright ROTFLOL, but at least a faint Smiley.

    Quote Originally Posted by President Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson

    A Prayer for the Nation

    Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people, the multitude brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    –Washington D.C., March 4, 1801

    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 03-06-2014 at 09:21 PM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  3. #5543
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Obama Social Security Number Fraud Case Awaits Judge’s Decision

    Tim Brown for Freedom Outpost - March 14, 2014
    [a follow-up to his superb documentary report of Dec. 22, 2013]

    Back in December, [U.S. District] Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander ruled to grant attorney Orly Taitz "an opportunity to file a second amended complaint and add allegations of [the] SSA not doing a proper search and withholding records" in the Obama Social Security fraud case. In that report, I indicated that there should be news on that case in mid-January. However, things had not progressed as planned, and part of the problem was an error by the court, which has now been corrected.

    In an interview last week with Freedom Outpost, Mrs. Taitz told us that she was still waiting to hear from the courts in Washington, D.C., and Maryland. "I did have a favorable decision from Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander in Maryland, where she denied the motion to dismiss by the defense. They wanted a summary judgment ruling that there is no Social Security number [on file for] this Harry Bounel, [whose Social Security number] Obama is using."

    "The judge said, 'No, you did not do a proper search,' and she refused to give them the summary judgment," Taitz said.

    Taitz said Judge Hollander allowed her to file an amended complaint. At that time, Taitz told us that she had one more reply to file, and then there should be a decision by Judge Hollander.

    Part of the reason for the delay in Judge Hollander's decision was [stalling ...] the Justice Department asking for an extension so that they would have more time to respond, according to Taitz.

    As of today, according to her website, evidence that had disappeared from the docket in the case before Judge Hollander has miraculously [re]appeared. [Atty. Taitz's] post dated March 14, 2014, reads in part:

    Judge Hollander was very kind to the clerk of the court, who removed evidence from the docket, by stating that "Doctor Taitz had difficulty seeing certain documents," and the issue was resolved by the clerk. In reality, the clerk removed important documents from the docket. Not only Dr. Taitz had difficulty seeing them, the whole country had difficulty seeing them, because the documents were removed. So far, there were two good orders by Judge Hollander, and we are hoping that the final order will be just and lawful as well, that Judge Hollander will order [the SSA] to finally release the SS-5, [the] original application to Connecticut [for a] Social Security number, 042-[nn-nnnn,] of [or more aptly put, "by"] Harry Bounel, which Obama is fraudulently using, even though it failed [official federal government validation with] both E-verify and SSNVS.

    While the documents were missing, Obama supporters on one of the blogs, which is a bully pulpit for Obama's personal attorney, Scott J. Tepper, attacked Taitz mercilessly, assassinated her good character, and called Taitz the worst lawyer and many other names, claiming that Taitz does not know how to file documents and pleadings. Now the order by Judge Hollander revealed that Taitz knows how to file, and an error was made, not by Taitz, but by the court itself, and it was corrected by the court itself. Taitz does not hold her breath waiting for an apology from Obama supporters.

    The documents Taitz filed on Friday[, March 14th,] can be downloaded and viewed here.

    Taitz also informed us that she will be dealing with the Selective Service registration of Obama.

    "That's a [separate] case against the Postmaster General," Taitz said.

    [ED.: I don't see how. The U.S. Postmaster General in 2008, John E. Potter, was in no way responsible for a forger stealing and fraudulently misusing an old U.S.P.O. date stamp, deceptively fitted with the then current "08" rubber type slug, which was repositioned upside down so as to display "80". Also, the stolen stamp bore the initials of the U.S. Post Office, which had long since ceased to exist. Jack Potter administered the USPS from 2001 to 2010, but a witch hunt might hold this Bush appointee somehow responsible for a clerk's failure to secure and destroy a U.S.P.O. date stamp when the U.S. Post Office became the U.S. Postal Service in 1971, when Potter was all of 15.

    That clerk, no doubt a Democrat, undoubtedly knew that one day a Presidential candidate, also a Democrat, would need such a date stamp to cover up his ineligibility to the Office of President and to facilitate his election. Perhaps the blame for that clerk's theft could be pinned on the U.S. Postmaster General in 1971, Nixon appointee Winton "Red" Blount. /SARC ]

    Taitz also informed us that a retired Chief Investigator from the Special Investigations [Unit] of the U.S. Coast Guard, Stephen Jeffrey Coffman, submitted [a sworn] affidavit [testifying] that Barack Obama's Selective Service registration is fabricated and also has a fabricated postal stamp on it.

    So far, Taitz has submitted her complaint in that case and is awaiting a decision from Judge Royce C. Lamberth. [ED.:
    Royce C. Lamberth, U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia, has been uncooperative and has rejected any and every other related case to date, including related Quo Warranto cases for which the D.C. District Court has exclusive responsibility.] In addition, she said she is awaiting the decision of a RICO case in Mississippi with multiple defendants. Among the list of defendants in the case is former Hawaii Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy, who was killed in a plane crash in December.

    [ED.: Hawaii DoH Dir. Loretta Fuddy was NOT killed in the plane crash, nefariously, suspiciously, or otherwise. Neither did she die immediately after the crash, as proved by photographs of her swimming with the other passengers, near the plane before it sank. But sometime during the hour after the crash, while floating in her life jacket in the ocean near Molokai, she died of an unknown cause. It may have been internal injuries, although only a few of the other passengers suffered so much as bruises. It may have been a heart attack from the exertion of evacuating the small plane, or a stroke from the stress of the crash. It may have been aggravated by shock, if the ocean was less than comfortably warm on that sunny Dec. 11th afternoon. It may have been a jellyfish sting or even a CIA-administered poison dot. But Loretta Fuddy plainly wasn't Ron-Browned, "mysteriously killed in a suspicious plane crash."]

    According to Taitz, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is still investigating the crash. [ED.: But the preliminary statement from the NTSB indicated no evidence of foul play. Instead, it commended the pilot for his extraordinary landing without power and his spectacular
    accomplishment of setting the plane down on the water at gliding speed with no more than bruises to a few of the passengers.]

    Taitz is also dealing with another case in California on behalf of a candidate. She pointed to a recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which gives her hope that there is precedent for dealing with the cases that she is involved with. This particular ruling affirmed the right of the [California] Secretary of State to throw off the ballot anyone who is ineligible. The case she is pursuing involves a female candidate against Barack Obama, and they are waiting to see how that decision will play out, considering the Ninth Circuit Court's earlier ruling.

    Orly Taitz works these cases pro bono, and any donations, prayers and support are appreciated.

    She has also filed to run for Attorney General in California. If you would like to support her efforts, her website for her [California] AG run is

    Don't forget to Like Freedom Outpost on Facebook, Google Plus, Tea Party Community & Twitter.

    You can also get Freedom Outpost delivered to your Amazon Kindle device here.

    Also see Tim Brown's previous report of Dec. 22, 2013.

    Tim Brown's article quotes heavily from
    Atty. Taitz's original account of these events, which also includes Justice Hollander's instructions to the clerk to restore the "hidden" (or scuttled) evidence to the docket.

    Justice Hollander is perhaps the most courteous judge whom Atty. Taitz has faced in the course of pursuing Mr. Obama's Constitutional defect of qualification for the Presidency, not being a "natural born Citizen," that is, "one born in the country of parents who were citizens," Minor v. Happersett (1875), and U.S. v Wong Kim Ark (1898 ). Justice Hollander appears to be sincerely seeking to give Atty. Taitz a fair hearing, in spite of the bluster and blather from the U.S. Attorneys and the DOJ, backed by the IRS, FBI, FEC, NSA, DHS, USSS, etc., along with numerous PAC lobbyists. Justice Hollander has thus far braved the veiled (and not so veiled) threats from mobsters, assassins, and domestic terrorists. I pray that Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander can deflect the heat and even flip one or more of her persecutors.

    For all this good report, Mr. Obama's legitimacy or ineligibility will not hinge upon a decision by one judge... or three, or even nine. A Congressional Investigation is the arm of the law with both the standing and the clout to make things right, to extract what's rot, and to restore what's "keels up" to seaworthy. When and if a Congressional investigation returns its findings, it will rock Mr. Obama's world, even if it no more than verifies and establishes the focused and circumscribed content of the Sheriff's Report as factual, public record. The Zullo Report documents the fraudulent fabrication of the forged Certification of Live Birth (COLB), the forged Certificate of Live Birth (long form), and the forged Selective Service registration.

    Establishing "he's a crook" as incontestable fact, and making it common knowledge to even the sheeple of TV America, will render Mr. Obama devoid of legitimate authority and will make it impossible for him to rule. Without an unprecedented conviction in a trial of impeachment in the Senate, without so much as a successful impeachment by the (R)-controlled House, the public outcry against his known fraud and identity theft will mandate that he resign, perhaps under extreme prejudice if he resists.

    Forty years ago, Watergate buried (figuratively) then-Pres. Richard M. Nixon and forced him to vacate his post as Commander-in-Chief, just as public pressure in Washington had forced him to withdraw from a commanding presence in Vietnam.
    Even in these lawless times, the damage from a Congressional investigation to Mr. Obama's legitimacy for office should be far more crippling than the Watergate Papers, Woodward and Bernstein's exposé of the Watergate coverup, were to Mr. Nixon.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  4. #5544
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    FAKE Columbia Univ. ID card FAKE

    This Barry Soetoro "ID card" is a FAKE.

    AFAIK, Columbia Univ. did not put a bar code on student IDs in 1981.


    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  5. #5545
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    tracking the usurper-in-chief and on his trail
    The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled on McInnish and Goode v Bennett Alabama Secretary of State. (When the appeal was filed, Beth Chapman was the Secretary of State, but she resigned.) The ruling was but five words:



    The Alabama Supreme Court thereby let stand the inferior court's ruling that Alabama state law does not require the Alabama Secretary of State to vet Presidential candidates for Constitutional eligibility before placing their names on the state ballot.

    Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote a dissenting opinion, stating that the Secretary of State does have such an affirmative duty, in the absence of that responsibility being spelled out in state law. Justice Bolin concurred with C.J. Moore's dissent, except to state that the state legislature should pass legislation to spell out this affirmative duty for the Secretary of State. Justice Bryan concurred with the opinion of the Court, then stated his agreement with what Justice Bolin said when concurring with C.J. Moore's dissent, that is, his recommendation that the state legislature pass such a law.

    Everyone appears to have been very agreeable, yet no one saw his way clear to interpret the Alabama State Constitution and State Code of Laws as charging anyone in particular with the responsibility to keep Santa Claus from being placed on the state ballot as a candidate for President of the U.S..

    And people wonder why Russia, Africa, and even Latin American banana republics are laughing at America's inability to get it right, when "lesser civilizations" manage to dispense with formalities, cut through red tape, overrule legal technicalities, and drive sacred cows out of the way when absolutely necessary, when there is no other way to accomplish what absolutely must be done.

    Birther Report: "Dissent: Alabama Supreme Court Denies Obama Fraud Case; Great Constitutional Significance"

    Birther Report: "Attorney Larry Klayman & MCSO Cold Case Posse chief Mike Zullo Appeared On Freedom Friday (Video Feed)"

    Birther Report: Audio Commentary by Pastor Carl Gallups a.k.a. PP Simmons


    In other, less serious quarters...

    Mark Levin:
    Obama pResidential Library

    Foreign Wing In Kenya;
    College Records [Still] Hidden

    Mark Levin was a Birther when Birthers weren't cool - not that it's cool now.
    When it became uncool to be an anti-Birther, Mark Levin became an anti-Birther.
    At the moment, Mark Levin may be either; so you can listen to his latest commentary on the subject before you decide.

    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 03-22-2014 at 09:09 AM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  6. #5546
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Pray for U.S. Dist, Judge Ellen Hollander.
    After long duration under pressure,
    perhaps this case is beginning to crack.

    "Request for Deceased Individual's Social Security Record" (d/l, print, mail) and the Social Security Administration's reply to Atty. Orly Taitz's request.

    Quote Originally Posted by Social Security Administration


    March 14, 2014

    [Address redacted]

    Dear [name redacted,]

    This letter is in response to your February 3, 2014 inquiry to Acting Commissioner Colvin concerning your request for the late Mr. Harrison J. Bounel's Social Security records.

    The records you requested are under the jurisdiction of our Office of Earnings Operations. We are referring your inquiry to that office. The officials there will look into the situation you described and reply directly to you. You should hear from them soon.

    Social Security Administration

    James Rebhorn, 'Homeland' Star, Dead at 65

    Posted by: Jon Ben-Mayor on 03/23/2014 04:00 PM

    [ED.: I saw James Rebhorn as an icon of the law and justice.]
    Veteran actor James Rebhorn has died after a long battle with melanoma - Rebhorn died at his home in New Jersey on Friday; the actor was first diagnosed with the disease in 1992, but continued acting throughout the treatment process.

    TMZ was told that his condition drastically worsened recently and he began receiving hospice care at his New Jersey home.
    His wife Rebecca says James insisted on working despite his condition ... right through his theater performance in January.
    During his almost 5 decade long career, Rebhorn played several daytime roles... In 1998, he played the District Attorney in the 2-part series finale of Seinfeld. He also appeared in a supporting roles in The Game, Meet the Parents and Regarding Henry opposite Harrison Ford. In 2004, he appeared in the TV mini series Reversible Errors. His role in the short-lived and controversial NBC drama The Book of Daniel cast him as the father of the title character. He also appeared as a judge in Baby Mama. In the 2009 movie The Box, Rebhorn portrayed a NASA scientist. He had recurring roles on the USA series White Collar as Special Agent Reese Hughes, and also as Claire Danes's character Carrie Mathison's father Frank Mathison on Homeland. Rebhorn recently co-starred in the Comedy Central sitcom Big Lake. He played Max Kenton's uncle in the 2011 movie Real Steel. He starred as Oren in the miniseries Coma. Rebhorn starred as Gary Pandamiglio in the 2012 Mike Birbiglia comedy Sleepwalk with Me.

    [Rebhorn] was awesome as Carrie Mathison's [Claire Danes'] [justifiably] perpetually worried Dad in Homeland.

    James Rebhorn, Homeland Star, Dead at 65
    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 03-25-2014 at 05:48 AM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  7. #5547
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    Just a quick note to let you all know that this discussion is the most viewed and most popular web content on ALIPAC of all time.

    In fact, some new online analysis tools I have access to now say there are more than 4,671 links on other sites pointing to this discussion!

    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #5548
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    That's certainly encouraging, W, but it 's hardly something to brag about. The number of page reads is not because of us, our research, or even because of the vantage of ALIPAC, but because of the subject matter: the man of lawlessness and the unfathomable wickedness of his life, his ways, and his works.

    This subject is the most evil long con in the history of the world since the subtle serpent tricked Eve, who in turn beguiled and persuaded Adam, though he was not deceived, but they were both evicted from God's Garden. This is the worst robbery or fraud, the worst treachery or betrayal, the worst act of treason or insinuation of intrigue, the worst single-handed destruction of value and income, what may yet prove to be the most radical reversal of health and well-being, and what we pray will not be the most deadly purge (that by FEMA and the UN) per capita of any nation's population since Cain slew Abel, a full 50% of his generation at that early date in human history.

    Bored people do find crime reports to be entertaining.
    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 04-04-2014 at 11:41 PM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  9. #5549
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Attorney Orly Taitz drove to the LA Times for a scheduled endorsement interview. Her car was hit by a truck and totaled. She is fine and recuperating at home.

    Posted on | April 2, 2014
    Please pray for Attorney Orly Taitz: for God's protection, and for her safety, peace, and well-being.
    04.02.2014 Car of attorney Orly Taitz hit – Copy

    Today Attorney Orly Taitz drove to Los Angeles for a scheduled endorsement interview with the Los Angeles Times. Her car was hit by a truck from behind. From the force of the impact, the car went spinning and stopped facing the traffic. The car was totaled. Taitz is fine and recuperating at home. Needless to say, she did not make a scheduled endorsement interview with the Los Angeles Times.

    scheduled interview:
    Dear Orly:

    Confirmed an endorsement meeting on Wednesday April 2 at 10:00 am here at the Los Angeles Times

    Parking will be in Visitor Parking at the back of the Times building

    221 West 2nd Street (between Spring and Broadway)

    Los Angeles, 90012
    [Atty. Orly Taitz continued:]
    April 2nd, 2014 @ 8:00 pm
    The driver did not give me his papers, but he did give them to the Highway Patrol. I repeatedly asked the CHP officer for the truck driver's papers, but he refused to give them to me and said that it will be with the report, and insurance will get it within 10 days. I never saw an accident where the CHP officer would refuse to give the papers. [ED.: With the truck driver not giving her his name and contact info, he will have plenty of time to pack up and to skip town or leave the country. That would deprive Mrs. Taitz of any opportunity to question him about whether this was really an accident, or whether someone hired or prevailed upon him to make the hit, and if so, who?] I got the license of the truck, though. They told me that I needed to be transported to the emergency room; I refused. Strangely, my insurance called, and the rep stated that they were told that I was taken to the emergency room with an ambulance, which was not true.
    Last edited by MinutemanCDC_SC; 04-05-2014 at 01:08 AM.
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  10. #5550
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    Jun 2013

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