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  1. #11
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    What is sad is that you seem to think people that support illegal immigration are "enlightened" and that people that oppose it are in the "dark ages"

    Over 80% of Americans want illegal immigration STOPPED. Your view is a radical minority view.

    Americans have created the most "enlightened" civilization to ever exist in human history and here you are telling us that we are dark age thinkers.

    Everyone wants a better life. What separates us is what we are willing to do and not willing to do to have one.

    Illegal aliens make the decision to break our laws, disrespect our citizens, disrespect our culture and taxpayers because they "want a better life"

    Prostitutes and drug dealers want a better life too. Rapist want things as well. Burglars want to have better things and a better life.

    Just like illegal aliens, they chose to break laws and victimize other people or societies as a route to what they want.

    Your freedom ends where mine begins and my freedom begins at the border.

    So you can get off of your false morality high horse Vivian.

    You are the one that is not "enlightened"

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  2. #12
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    THANK YOU WILLIAM!! And Viv dear, I am so thankful my European ancestors came here (in the year 1634) and then met my native ancestors, therefore, giving me life here. So goes it for many Americans, although some of us appear "white", many of us are a mix of many nationalities. We are native here, as this is where we were born and raised, many generations gone by. This is my country.

    Furthermore, I would never think to leave my family behind just for money, it is unthinkable and without any merit. Children need both parents, not money, to be happy. How do you think Americans made it through the depression? They stuck together, worked hard to take care of each other, and worked hard to make America prosperous again. This is what people of places like Mexico and Central America need to be doing.

    We are supposesd to be allowing immigration for reasons of religious or political oppression, mainly, but there is nothing that states we need to allow people to come here just to benefit financially because they do not want to put out the effort to make their own potentially prosperous nation what it could be.

    America is now an established nation, with established borders, and established laws. You, or anyone else cannot attempt to say we have no right to keep out illegal aliens from this country. We are a sovereign nation, with laws that must be upheld, it is as simple as that. This is our country, a land our ancestors have worked hard to make the way it is, you know those little things you enjoy, working sewer systems, electricity, and the freedom of speech that you so enjoy. This will not be handed over by me or any other American to someone who only wants to come here and financially benefit from it all.

    Also Viv, I am not a yuppie, have never employed an illegal alien to take care of my children or do my dishes. I have chapped hands from cleaning my own home, and a tired brain from homeschooling my own kids, We live paycheck to paycheck, we scrape for every penny, we hope someday to own our own house (we've been married 13 years). We have few luxuries, do not have credit cards, we buy little, and quite often it is used. So this is to inform you, you cannot stereotype me, I do not fit into any easy category.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #13
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    ALIPAC Excellent post! You do have a way with words.
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  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    WOW Elizabeth, you say this man left his family just for a job? Don't you get it? They wouldn't be eating if it wasn't for the "job" of this man. He didn't come here so we could afford an XBOX 360 for his kids, he is buying them food. And please, practice is speleed with a "c" not practise, learn how to write at least in your own language... What a shame.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanElizabeth sad. I feel so sorry for him. NOT!!!
    What I fail to understand is leaving behind your family. It is an uacceptable practise to me, and it really makes no sense whatsoever. When you are a family, you stick together, no questions. If you live in a bad place together, then you stick together there instead of the "man" (and I question that as what real man leaves behind his wife and children for another country, just for a job?) leaving his family, as though money can make up for the lack of him in his children's lives? What kind of nonsense is that?

    Just goes to show you why Mexico is the backwards country it is, and why they are always dealing with corruption, this kind of thinking!!!

    As soon as the people of Mexico start thinking more about what is right and less about money only, they would become a more successful nation.
    They think literally only about themselves, not wondering how their actions will impact their families and neighbors future, only about the here and now of daily money making and spending.

    We are all concerned with our families needs, and how to earn the best we can for those needs, but to give up your family totally, only so you can send them money so they can have more stuff, afford more luxuries than if you were there, is just ridiculous.

    Now if they were actually starving, there was a huge drought in Mexico and nothing would grow, water had all dried up, then well, I suppose there was good reason.

    What did our grandparents do during the depression? They usually all started gardens if they did not have one. They grew food, they raised some type of animals to use for food (or eggs), they might have fished, but the fact is that they did something proactive (to use a new phrase for their actions) where they were already to make sure they had what they needed, not leave their families for another country.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Brian503a's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarionC
    WOW Elizabeth, you say this man left his family just for a job? Don't you get it? They wouldn't be eating if it wasn't for the "job" of this man. He didn't come here so we could afford an XBOX 360 for his kids, he is buying them food. And please, practice is speleed with a "c" not practise, learn how to write at least in your own language... What a shame.
    Look who is talking about spelling correctly.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    El Norte De Carolina, Los Estados Unidos
    Quote Originally Posted by MarionC
    WOW Elizabeth, you say this man left his family just for a job? Don't you get it? They wouldn't be eating if it wasn't for the "job" of this man. He didn't come here so we could afford an XBOX 360 for his kids, he is buying them food. And please, practice is speleed with a "c" not practise, learn how to write at least in your own language... What a shame.

    It's not "speleed" but "spelled."

    People who take issue with control of population do not understand that if it is not done in a graceful way, nature will do it in a brutal fashion - Henry Kendall

    End foreign aid until America fixes it's own poverty first - me

  7. #17
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    Gheen, Minnesota, United States

    Most illegal aliens from Mexico have jobs they leave behind before coming here. Perhaps they should do the things Americans did in their own country to raise wages and wealth?

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  8. #18
    Vivian's Avatar
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    What is sad is that you seem to think people that support illegal immigration are "enlightened" and that people that oppose it are in the "dark ages"

    Over 80% of Americans want illegal immigration STOPPED. Your view is a radical minority view.

    There are 11 million illegal immigrants working in the US. Have you thought of what would happen to the US economy if all these 11 million illegal immigrants were deported tomorrow?

    You would say Americans would take up their jobs if they were paid decent wages. What are "decent" wages, and wages that are determined by market forces? On one extreme, companies outsource or move offshore, not caring about Americans losing their jobs, just so their products could compete in the global market. If an American manufacturer makes a product and sell it for $100 in the global market, and another country can make the same product - of exactly the same quality if not better - and sell for for $20, which product would the consumer choose to buy? And it's not just China making these products, all other developing countries are going to compete with China.

    Then should all Americans begin to accept slave wages? Of course not. This is something American employers have to work out themselves and strive for a middle ground, so everything will be fair and acceptable to everybody while remaining profitable. And if this helps, Americans' personal earned income is the fourth highest in the world.

    Everyone wants a better life. What separates us is what we are willing to do and not willing to do to have one.

    Illegal aliens make the decision to break our laws, disrespect our citizens, disrespect our culture and taxpayers because they "want a better life"

    Prostitutes and drug dealers want a better life too. Rapist want things as well. Burglars want to have better things and a better life.

    Just like illegal aliens, they chose to break laws and victimize other people or societies as a route to what they want.

    We are not talking about illegal aliens who are criminals in the US, or in general prostitutes, drug dealers, rapists and burglars. We are talking about illegal aliens who work in the US, who contribute their labor to the American economy, who give - subsidizing the economy by accepting lower than market wages - to the economy as much as they take - benefits - from the economy. Should their years of contribution to the prosperity of the American economy be merely brushed aside? If Americans don't need them, why keep them?

  9. #19
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    What's really sad about this whole thing, is that all these Mexicans in the U.S. don't prefer to stand up and fight for their own country. Why aren't they marching down the streets in Mexico and fighting for their country ?

    I guess they don't think their own country is worth fighting for. It's a large country with many resources, you'd think they'd want to build Mexico into a strong and stable country, like the U.S. or Canada.

    I think what they're really lacking is pride.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member LegalUSCitizen's Avatar
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    And that's another thing. If millions of Americans started "fleeing" our country in these difficult times, we'd be saying, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING ?! GET YOUR -----BACK HERE, WE'VE GOT TROUBLE !!"

    If they took off running, we'd definitely call them "traitors".

    Now what do these illegal aliens think about the people they've left behind ? Oh too bad for you, it's survival of the fittest...and we made it out you didn't ? OR do they think the REST of their country has a right to take over the United States too.

    I'll be darned if Americans would EVER FLEE. We would not "take off in flight" and leave some of our fellow countrymen behind to suffer. That's one of the biggest differences between the values and principles of an American vs. an illegal alien.


    It's one thing to immigrate LEGALLY to the United States with the right intentions it's another to sneak into another country to "run away" from your own because you don't have the courage and bravery to stand up for it THERE. And if you REFUSE and are AFRAID to stand up for it on your own soil....don't try to do it on OURS.
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