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Thread: Annex Mexico`

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  1. #61
    hope2006's Avatar
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    Hmm....... many Mexicans will get to that planet if they drink enough peyote .
    I think this is the explanation for the visions of Annex
    " Do not compromise yourself . You are all you've got ." -Janice Joplin .

  2. #62

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    Quote Originally Posted by annex
    Without Annexation (and the subsequent conversion to US legal system including our property laws) there will be no investment in MX. MX gov/legal system is broken and the only fix is to Annex it one new state at a time and replace all their gov/legal systems with our gov/legal systems. The whole enchilada! Our legal system (civil, criminal) our legislative structure (mayors, senators, congressman), our school system, etc. It is the cure for those parisites in MX who are sucking the life out of their people.
    Annex, you are still missing our point.....let the mexicans wipe out their own parasites. Why should the US take this on? We can't solve all the problems for other why should we take on Mexico's? We don't want to, that's why we want our borders secure....GOT THAT?!!!
    "Remember the Alamo!"

  3. #63
    hope2006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by annex
    Real economic enemy:

    The real economic enemy is China. So blame China for your eating meatless fried rice. We have lost all our production jobs to China not MX. Everything we buy is now "made in Chine" if you haven't noticed. If we did not have MX immigrant farm workers to keep our produce costs low you would be eating vegetableless fried rice as well.

    I love China / in moderation /
    I love Mexico / in moderation /
    I love fried rice - I wonder what is the favorite mexican food ?
    Let me guess ....rice and beans , maybe ?
    This is not about China , Mexico or Pluto ......This is about Illegal Aliens
    Welcome back home , I think that peyote was really too strong
    " Do not compromise yourself . You are all you've got ." -Janice Joplin .

  4. #64
    Senior Member loservillelabor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by annex
    Real economic enemy:

    The real economic enemy is China. So blame China for your eating meatless fried rice. We have lost all our production jobs to China not MX. Everything we buy is now "made in Chine" if you haven't noticed. If we did not have MX immigrant farm workers to keep our produce costs low you would be eating vegetableless fried rice as well.
    I don't have a problem blaming both. One reason we're beholding to China and can't do much about them is they carry the debt required to support Mexico's poor in our nation.
    I think that discontinuing the delivery of services to millions of illegal aliens through a bloated beuracracy would result in enough savings that I could get lettuce.
    Unemployment is not working. Deport illegal alien workers now! Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  5. #65
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    actually annex it was also vegetable-les as well, just egg, soy sauce and rice.

    As for products, I see many marked "made in Mexico", the cheapest produce is not from here, it is labeled "product of Argentina", "product of Canada", "product of Chile".

    Still yet, I will not buy it anyways. If it was not local, then I will not buy. If it says made in Mexico, I will not buy.

    As for Canada, might buy so long as I know the Canadian citizens produced something, that's a little better. For me and my house, we want American made and local produce.

    As for the jobs no Americans will do. Garbage. Annex, my husand works side by side with a man that has been here for a long time with a green card, he's from Mexico. Thought those people came here to do the jobs that no American would do? So Annex, what the heck is he doing working in an industry that Americans are doing?

    As well annex, I heard from a woman one time that these illegals are routinely denied their wages? If that is so, then how is it that they drive much newer and nicer, if not brand new, vehicles than us, and many Americans I know?

    I also was told they do not come here and take ANY help from the states. Well, just a week ago, we were in the store, as I dug through my purse for a last few dimes to pay for some hamburger, this woman who spoke only Spanish, whips out this state issued food card and paid for over $300.00 worth of groceries with it. Sure you could say "how do you know she wasn't legal", but really, it is painfully obvious that 90% or more are illegal, it's as plain as the nose on your face.

    Annex, live in the real world. Wake up and smell the coffee. Real life is what the majority of us are having to live because some whiney butt dipstick wants to force their own brand of American charity down the working persons throats, "give up yours and your childrens future so illegals can come here and make better money than where they lived before". No thanks. I live it every day.

    These people live better than we do. We scrape for every penny. We have NEVER had a vacation, not one night from home. We almost never see the inside of a Starbucks and any restaurants. Our kids get new shoes twice a year, not including wardrobe emergencies (i.e. growing or major shoe blowout).

    I am not giving up what little we do have now, to "help" Mexico, when they are perfectly capable of helping themselves. I am not setting aside my childrens futures for illegal aliens.

    Annex Mexico, forget it, I'd rather give my last dollar to an alcoholic on the street, at least they would be an American.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #66
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    JuniusJnr, don't know if you are aware but if a person applies for SSI or Social security disability they qualify at a much younger age under the vocational guidelines set up by SSA if they speak only Spanish. Also the Austin ISD is going to pay Spanish speaking teachers a $3500 stipend starting this year. English speaking special ed teachers who are much more in demand get no such bonus.
    Andy, thanks for some more bad news. LOL! I didn't know that Spanish was a requirement for getting SSI these days. I did know about the Spanish speaking teachers, though. That must be a statewide thing. And the English speaking Special Ed teachers here-- or any speaking Special Ed teachers for that matter, are scarce. I am not sure why they want to use the school system as a babysitting service anyway, to tell the truth, but I guess when you have idiots running the government, that is what happens.

    The real economic enemy is China. So blame China for your eating meatless fried rice. We have lost all our production jobs to China not MX.
    Tell that to the thousands of workers in El Paso, TX who lost their jobs in the past ten years due to the fact that the factories are moving to Mexico. I'm not entirely certain if the game plan was to get the Mexican illegals who were working there to move back across the border or not but, if it was, the plan backfired. Many of the textile mills that went to Mexico pulled up stakes within a few years and went on to China because there were no willing workers in Mexico! Or so they said. Why do you think that is?

    And I suggest you go take a walkl through Wal Mart and look at who's making the clothes. It isn't China for the most part. It's Bangladesh, SriLanka, Honduras and other places. The appliances are mostly coming from Mexico-- appliances that were once US made like Whirlpool, GE, and others. Hoover vacuum cleaners come from Mexico. And yep, plenty of junk comes from China and other Asian countries. But plenty doesn't.

    I think the person or persons who devised these free trade agreements should be spit at! And the FTAA is coming down the pike!
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  7. #67
    annex's Avatar
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    The issue is not do we want globalization (because it is here to stay regardless so please stop whining about it and figure out how to deal with it) the issue is what is in our best interests; to have these jobs go to China or to MX. It seems only common sense to me that for every new job created in MX that is one less potential illegal immigrant. Granted not all factory jobs in China will translate to MX but a significant number of them would. Granted not every MX will want a factory job. But even if it meant importing workers in from other Latin American counties the local economy of MX would benefit.

    For those who think the solution is just to build a wall you are living in lala land. Desperate people will do desperate things and attempt to cross the border regardless of the barriers we put up. As far as why we should do this vs just let them sort it out on their own. As you point out the MX people culture is already highly integrated into our society and work along side many of us in a cooperative peaceful way. So, if America is going to help out any other society group in the world why not the people of MX first and foremost? We can accomplish so much so easily in MX (via annexation) then we could ever hope to accomplish anywhere else in the world. There are so many lost and hopeless causes we try to fix around the world (we will never solve the Aids crisis in Africa, and never bring our form of democracy to the Arab world) but we can’t see beyond our noses when it comes to MX.

    Personally, I would rather we send all the Arabs home and give their jobs to an illegal immigrant from MX.

  8. #68
    Administrator ALIPAC's Avatar
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    You sound just like these Washington DC Neocon Open Borders folks.

    "Oh, we have to have the illegals to compete with Mexico." "We have to merge our economies to compete in the Global markets! We have no choice! Surrender you nativists!"

    That's all hogwash.

    If America was more secure and the Chinese could not steal about anything they wanted out of the US already, we could continue to invent and produce and export new technologies and medicines like before.

    The failure in the plans of those you support Annex is that you guys and gals think that you can just transfigure America and throw out a lot of things the public cares about and continue to ride the American gravy train.

    Did it ever occur to any of you that the way we have done business in America for centuries before this new radical corporate religion of Globalism is the way we got to where we are?

    Your side keeps tearing up our great nation and you are destroying the very things that made us great to begin with. You are building a new disaster area like Mexico and points South.

    The government of the US under the control of the citizens of the US needs to stand up to these companies on our behalf. Call it protectionism or isolationism or any ism you want, but I am not a citizen of the USA Inc.

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  9. #69
    Senior Member Steve's Avatar
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    Ditto on W's comments.
    Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC

  10. #70
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Personally, I would rather we send all the Arabs home and give their jobs to an illegal immigrant from MX.
    Oh yeah-- let's let the Mexican illegals have the jobs making bombs. I'd like to have the Arab illegals deported, too! And the European illegals. And the Asian illegals. And the African illegals. And the South American illegals. And the Australian illegals.

    Right now, there are more North American illegals than any other and the vast majority of them came from Mexico! Based on the numbers alone, what they are doing is invading our country. Illegal is illegal and none of them --from anywhere-- belong here illegally for any reason whatsoever.

    However, that doesn't mean we need to start annexing other countries, other islands, or other continents. It doesn't mean we should just jump up and give amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens or support the border jumpers who come here to become nothing but baby factories. They aren't working, they are, well, you know.........

    I pointed out to you that thousands of jobs went to Mexico and the Mexicans wouldn't do them. Nor did the people who invaded this country, supposedly to do those jobs, follow the jobs back across the border in order to work in their own country. Nope. They stayed here and collected unemployment illegally. Therefore, we got to support the workers as well as their families who weren't working. They had more time to make babies to stick in our schools and take to our clinics and collect our food stamps.

    So what good does it do to send our jobs to Mexico? I used to see it your way but I saw with my own eyes because I live in a border city that it is not better for the jobs to go to Mexico than to China. Right now, Mexico is just a springboard. How long before the made in China label appears on Hoover vacuum cleaners, Maytag washers, etc.? All we are doing by sending them our jobs is providing them with the means to make a living while they save to invade the USA!

    As for giving them aid, we aid Mexico plenty-- way more than we should. In the end, the few political figures who operate that criminal infested wasteland under the guise of democracy are the ones who benefit from the US dollars. I'd rather see those dollars spent developing energy sources that would make the USA self sufficient and building factories where Americans can go back to work again.

    It really irks me that the people in the US, for the most part, lived responsibly and didn't have more kids than they could support only to have it thrown in our faces two generations later by way of an invasion of illegal immigrants who multiply like rabbits so an ignorant president can say that they are only here "to do the jobs Americans won't do."
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