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  1. #151
    Senior Member Reciprocity's Avatar
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    New York, The Evil Empire State
    An Endless Enigma of Arguements. There is no Question of Grey Area Politics here, the term fence sitters, just another group of people useing an illusion of indecisive decision making to mask supporting Illegal Immigration. It simply comes down to supporting our laws or not, there are no half measures or compromises when it comes to our Sovereignty, Laws and our American Values being challenged by Illegal immigrants. Stop the BS.
    “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson

  2. #152
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    JuniusJnr, I've finally figured out what you do for a living. Fess up--you work for the El Paso chamber of commerce. I go there about once every 2 months the city is ugly and dirty and there isn't much to do. There is one good restaurant Senses Do Brazil where gringo's are treated with civility. Even at the movies people talk to each other or on their cell phones. All in all I feel like Dr. Livingston when I'm there. It used to be different, it was cleaner and Juarez had a cultural center and there was a Hotel restaurant in Juarez "The Camino Real" where you could have an incredible meal. The towns in the Valley are going the same way. I think that the main thing that is missing for me on the border is that small sense of social cohesion I feel in most towns and cities. You really don't think about it untill it isn't there.

  3. #153
    Senior Member lsmith1338's Avatar
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    You got it right jezzabell
    Freedom isn't free... Don't forget the men who died and gave that right to all of us....
    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  4. #154
    joseguia's Avatar
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    I am beggining to believe now more than ever that Bush is going to pass the Guest Worker THING! And even though I am on the fence on this issue, and you dont ackownledge that one is capable of being on the fence, I am.

    I agree that a Guest Worker Program is NOT the way to go.(SO WE ARE IN AGREEANCE THERE)

    I DO agree with a fence, and pronto.. (SO WE ARE IN AGREEANCE THERE)

    I do not BELIEVE criminalazation is the smartest move for our country, if they are in the shadows now, they will be INVISIBLE then. And anyone whom has the slightest chance of being considered an illegal will be questioned, and I dont want to deal with that. SORRY. (SO WE DISAGREE HERE)

    This is the smartest friggin thing I've seen come out of this website yet!! Something like this would NOT make me feel threatned.
    AmericanElizabeth Wrote,
    "We want our immigration laws, as they stand right now, ENFORCED. We want a fence, we want our borders secured. We want employers who hire illegal aliens heavily fined. We want the sources of social services that the illegal aliens have been able to access, to be closed off to them, THEY are NOT citizens, they have no rights here, and they have NO right to be here."

    BRAVO AE, I hope your letter reaches the right people!!

    I like this FENCE idea, only they need to stagger the fence heights so they couldnt throw a board over the top: (

    Now if that doesnt constitute being on the FENCE, then I dont know what else to tell ya!
    BRING ON THE POP-SHOTS FELLAS, you guys have been good at it so far!!

  5. #155
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    News to me, ILLEGALS I've spoken with claim to never get the tax credit. Odd indeed!

    Yet more proof that our government KNOWS where they are, yet the plan of action is inaction!
    I can't say I know anything about what illegals do about income tax other than the fact that illegals and many others talk about raising the number of exemptions to the max so that the minimum amount of tax is held out.

    Some years back, when my kids were little and we didn't claim them on our W-2 because we didn't want to come up owing taxes instead of getting a refund, we got a nasty gram from the IRS telling us to change our exemptions because the refund was TOO much! Since then, I've always been puzzled by just what to do.

    I agree that the government should be paying more attention to the obvious clues that are laid on their doorstep. But as long as they are keeping their eyes closed, perhaps we can get more states into the act of defying illegal immigration and open borders.

    The MinuteMen designed that fence, didn't they? And are they not already building on private protperty in AZ?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  6. #156
    joseguia's Avatar
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    JuniusJr- (an ASIDE NOTE)
    This is the way I do it:
    On my paycheck I am claiming 1 dependent.
    On my taxes I claim both my children.


    0-Dependents they take out way to much money, but I get an AWESOME refund at the end of the year.

    1-Dependent is what I use CURRENTLY, its the perfect balance, not too much taken out, and I get a decent refund.

    2-Dependents and they dont take out too much but I usually break even or owe around 100-300 bucks at tax time.

    When I chat with illegals, they have mentioned NOT qualifying for the Child Tax Credit, they also mention there is a spot on the forms to tell the IRS that you are not a Citizen or a Resident, and you use a (TIN) Tax ID Number. Which the IRS provides for free, no questions asked.

    But others I chat with, DO NOT PAY taxes at all!!

    The fence- not sure who designed it, but it seems like a good way to go. When I saw the PICTURE for the first time (a while back) I thought, now thats a great idea! Although I still think if you study it closely, you can strategically place boards to cross it EASILY. So a little more thought needs to go into that.

  7. #157
    shannondavis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joseguia
    no kidding, thats right, send in the millitary, I believe the yardman has a weedeater, sheez louisse!

    as far as my examples of the red light, and the 5mph, of course those are ridiculous, yet we do them every day.

    My example of the FELONS released from PRISON was very serious, they commited crimes way more serious than swimming across a river, yet they manage to coexist with us.

    Wheres the logic?
    WAIT JUST A MINUTE........Logic is that the majority of felons released from prison get out and try to lead a descent and respectable life after making their stupid mistake of breaking the law then they cannot find a descent job because of their criminal record, which is their fault for breaking the law, of course,but They are condemned for the rest of their lives because of this. I'm not trying to justify committing their crimes, but THEY DID THE CRIME AND DID THE TIME!!!!!
    These illegals come here and commit far worse crimes, DO THEY GO TO PRISON AND DO THE TIME? Hummm lets see, HELL NO THEY DON'T!!
    They run back cross the border and wait to get ANOTHER FAKE ID with a different name and then they swim back over here to commit more crimes and never get caught or punished for that either!!!!!!!
    Don't talk to me about FELONS buddy! My husband did time in a Federal facility and he is an upstanding AMERICAN CITIZEN who has not committed another crime since, NOT EVEN RUNNING A RED LIGHT OR SPEEDING!!!!!!!! Luckily he found a great job that pays good money before a FRIGGING ILLEGAL GOT IT.

  8. #158
    joseguia's Avatar
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    I agree, I myself have been behind bars:

    Break a law, pay afine, do the time, and MOVE ON!

    Thats the way I have always seen it!

  9. #159
    shannondavis's Avatar
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    [quote="joseguia"]I agree, I myself have been behind bars:

    Break a law, pay afine, do the time, and MOVE ON!

    My example of the FELONS released from PRISON was very serious, they commited crimes way more serious than swimming across a river, yet they manage to coexist with us.

    Wheres the logic?

    Where is YOUR logic? If you've been behind bars then why are you condemning the Felons who are released from prison to coexist with us when you yourself are COEXISTING with us?

  10. #160
    joseguia's Avatar
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    are you serious?

    I was replying to what dxd said in a previous post:
    Historically, it is demonstrated that law-abiding citizens can never co exist with criminals. Illegal aliens are CRIMINALS as per the U.S. Supreme Court.
    He said that .. not me ... I wholeHeartedly agree with ya!!

    Now it would seem you agree with me, wheres the logic?

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