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  1. #71
    noyoucannot's Avatar
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    Jan 1970
    One other thing. The reason that "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" is amnesty is because the result is that these people, after disregarding our laws, can remain in the country and work. Yes, they have to pay a fine, etc. However, a person who immigrates legally also must pay application fees and other expenses and wait until everything is in order to come. So, the end result is the same. Both pay fees and both get to come here and work. Except, one person respected the rule of law and waited their turn and the other did not. How is that fair to those who did it the right way? What kind of message does that send?

  2. #72
    Senior Member americangirl's Avatar
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    2,478 are nothing more than a criminal, and I have no respect for you. I couldn't read more than a paragraph or two of your nonsensical babbling (PLEASE learn to spell); it was just too nauseating.
    Calderon was absolutely right when he said...."Where there is a Mexican, there is Mexico".

  3. #73
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueJersey
    Im a green card holder and if you dont like the law that says an illegal immigrant can marry his girlfriend and get legal status, then go complain to your representative about it.Those law were put in place to not break families apart.Those are the law and i followed them to the letter..Dont get upset at me because i was able to gain legal status. I came here illegaly but i never gave up and followed my dream and now look at me.I didnt listen to people like you that kept telling me that im a scum bag and i should go back home..The U.S.A is my home and you should live with this fact.You can no longer call me a stupid illegal alien because im now on a fast track to Full US citizenship rights

    In a year or so, ill be able to apply for U.S citizenship and i will have the same exact rights that you have..You will no longer be able to look down to me and degrade me...I know this makes you upset but there's nothing you can do about it...You will learn how to live with hard working immigrants such as myself.
    Don't be so sure. I can insert a cat dropping into a box of fine chocolates, but that doesn't make it a bon bon.

  4. #74
    BlueJersey wrote:

    ICE are starting to go after illegal immigrants and i personaly know someone that had been picked up throught one of their raids..Those times are the worst of times if you are an illgal immigrants and thousands of jobs are starting to seek out who might be illegal and fire them, something they might have never done because of recent ICE activities...Those people are now making sure you're legal before they hire you..Just in my job alone, they ran a social security check on every single employees and were able to finds that 10 employees were using fake numbers and they all got fired..Something they would have never done if it wasnt for the ICE raids and immigration debate.
    Absolutely wonderful progress, isn't it?

  5. #75
    noyoucannot's Avatar
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    Well, technically, given that he was a minor (12) when his mother died and his next of kin was a sister living in the US, some adult should have applied for him to legally immigrate. I wouldn't expect a 12 year old to have the presence of mind to be concerned with such things. In fact, I am wondering why, after you realized your situation, did you not try to regularize your status?

  6. #76
    BlueJersey's Avatar
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    I followed the law of the land but yet, you are desperate to label me as a criminal.Your goverment felt like i was good enought to grant me legal status so why are you still complaining?

    Im married to a US citizen and im now part of the American family and i hope you will accept me with open arms.I no longer have to live in fear of deportation and i thank god for this.I will pray for others that werent as fortunate as i am.

    Im a hard work guy, and i knew god was going to bless me with a green card.God blessed me and he will bless the others, i have no doubt in my mind.

    I want you to know that immigrants are good people and im willing to debunk the myth that immigrants are bad for this country.

    I respect your views because this is you country and soon, this country will also be mine once i become a U.S citizen with the rights to vote.My views about immigration should be respected because i live the life of an illegal immigrants and im here to tell you that im a good guy.I have no criminal record unlike all those people now in jail and America would be glad to have me in their country.

    God bless America, God bless all the immigrants in America, illegal and legal.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueJersey
    I followed the law of the land but yet, you are desperate to label me as a criminal.Your goverment felt like i was good enought to grant me legal status so why are you still complaining?

    Im married to a US citizen and im now part of the American family and i hope you will accept me with open arms.I no longer have to live in fear of deportation and i thank god for this.I will pray for others that werent as fortunate as i am.

    Im a hard work guy, and i knew god was going to bless me with a green card.God blessed me and he will bless the others, i have no doubt in my mind.

    I want you to know that immigrants are good people and im willing to debunk the myth that immigrants are bad for this country.

    I respect your views because this is you country and soon, this country will also be mine once i become a U.S citizen with the rights to vote.My views about immigration should be respected because i live the life of an illegal immigrants and im here to tell you that im a good guy.I have no criminal record unlike all those people now in jail and America would be glad to have me in their country.

    God bless America, God bless all the immigrants in America, illegal and legal.
    It's going to take God Himself telling me to lay off the dirty rotten thieving illegal aliens who are, in my book, foreign invaders and criminals. What's more, I do not set aside any place at my personal table for folks who illegally entered my country and eventually wangled a way to benefit from that illegal act.

    As for respect for yourself or your views, that must be EARNED. It is not something that a government bureaucrat may confer on you with a piece of paper. What's more, rubbing into the faces of decent Americans the fact that you showed utter disregard for our laws until they served your personal interest is scarcely a reasnable way to earn respect. From what I have read, you are an opportunistic foreign invader who is giddy over the prospect of obtaining the keys to the vault of our inheritance.

  8. #78

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    As a law-abiding citizen whose ancestors have been here for hundreds of years I have to say that I have absolutely NO respect for citizens of any country that comes here illegally,whether it's by crossing the border ,by plane,ship,or overstaying their visa.

    Anyone that does this has NO right to a job,an education,or a handout.I'm sorry but that's how I feel about those who ignore our laws.

    Furthermore,anyone here illegally who ignores ANY law while they're in this country should NEVER be entitled to a green card.If this is not against the law it should be and I'm calling my Representative to see if a law can be introduced that prevents anyone that's broken our immigration laws from ever being eligible for citizenship.

    By the way,amnesty will NEVER pass in Congress,and I feel more sure than ever that patriot Congressmen will not allow this to happen.

    I'm voting for,and working to help Tom Tancredo if he runs for President.
    He will bring illegal immigration and how America is harmed by it to the attention of the American people.

  9. #79
    BlueJersey's Avatar
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    Eventhought you have disrespected me, i will respect you and your views.I do not hate you, i just disagree with you.I dont think you can say the same about me.

    This is whats wrong with the TANCREDO people.They are very angry people and it gets to a point where those people are willing to really get violent.I will take the high road here because im a very respectfull guy.

    God is my savior and every night, i thank him for blessing me and my wife.
    Im not a drug dealer like millions that happens to be US citizens, and never committed any crimes that would cause me to lose my legal status but yet, it seem you have a higher regard for US citizens felons then hard working immigrants that followed your goverment law.

    My life as a legal immigrants is so much better now, and im just able to breath and laught with my wife and do what normal couples do.I worked hard and i feel i earned it.

    They are millions of US citizens that are cheating on their wife or husband, and im proud to tell you that i have never thought of cheating on my wife..You should give me a medal for that..

    I am the American dream, the perfect american...I work and go to school...Im as hard working then any of you on this board....I am a patriot.

  10. #80
    Senior Member
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    Boy we are just overrun with trolls lately. We must be annoying them since they are giving us so much attention.

    By the way American citizens DO get very angry when we see our heritage, our way of life, our jobs, our children's future, our very Country given away to criminals.

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