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  1. #31
    Senior Member Emanon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MW
    William wrote:

    Do you respect my decision to vote for someone beside Obama and McCain?
    I most certainly do. Assuming you've thought everything out logically, you have to vote your conscience.
    Do you mean logically or tactically? Logically, you would vote for who best represented oneself. Tactically, you'd vote for one to hedge your bets.

    There are alot of tactics going on in this forum. Dissuading from "third party" votes to the "lesser of two evils". Infact, a few here have sorta cajoled many into following then down that long and winding road that led us to McCain.

    No. logically and passionatly and soulfully, I CANNOT vote for the lesser of two evils, therby condoning one. Nope. I will NOT tactically hedge my bets. I will vote my conscious, which is the best baromoter to vote -- FOR conscious should not factor in with tactics.

    Also, though many of you think McCain is the lesser of the two evils - if you see it from my point of view, as a conservative republican, he is the most evil. He, almost what Bush has done, will destroy the conservative movement and the party, finally. He will not create a revival, but will destroy it by hijacking its principles and manipulating it like the Neo-Cons have done... and he will promote their agenda. Obama, on the other hand, will coalesce the base. Will rally the conservatives, like Carter did.

    So yeah, IF you are voting for the lesser - vote tactically..

    But I will vote my conscious --- I will be writing in Ron Paul, and if I can't do that - I'll vote Baldwin, and if not that -- then Barr, and if there is still no option I will gladly and gleefully abstain my vote for there is nobody worthy of it.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Re: Not me.

    Quote Originally Posted by APACHEWHOKNOWS
    Count me out.

    The Apache lost New Mexico, Az, Nevada, Texas due to just this kind of infighing, lost it to unlimited illegal immigration from the South.
    Although I don't know much about the Apache, this sentiment speaks to me because of what I know of the Iroquois: a powerful political coalition that ruled thousands of square miles of territory for many centuries...only to lose it all suddenly and drastically. There was infighting within the Iroquois too, but many times this was intiated when the leaders sold large swaths of land for personal gain, without the approval of their people.

    Similarly, I have to consider that, if the Republicans win now after the past few years, that will send a signal to the GOP leadership that, "Yes, Americans want us to continue pushing for amnesty - they keep electing us after all." There is a sizeable part of the GOP that believe the only way to win elections is to out-democrat the Democrats. We already see them adopting the language of liberals..."racist", "diversity is our strength", etc. Perhaps the GOP could win this year after all, but will the end results mirror at all what you want for yourselves or your country? I worry a McCain victory would enshrine McCain beliefs in the GOP. I don't think we'll be able to control someone who thinks he is doing the right thing and has a electoral victory to back it up. JMO.

    Much like Pavlov's dogs, we're conditioning these politicians to react to cues and behave in certain ways. If we aren't careful, we could be watching those Iroquois chiefs to sell more of our land again.
    "We have decided man doesn't need a backbone any more; to have one is old-fashioned. Someday we're going to slip it back on." - William Faulkner

  3. #33
    Senior Member WorriedAmerican's Avatar
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    If ALIPAC endorsed a candidate, you would lose many of us.
    It would cause infighting. Zeezel and I were arguing and I can't remember the issue? BUT, I know it wasn't illegal immigration. LOL
    Our issue we all agree on is illegal immigration, but not everything else.
    This year is not cut and dried for a Presidential candidate.
    It's seems like a weird election to me.... I've alway known who I want.
    The trouble is, not wanting any of the candidates. my guy dropped out.....
    If Palestine puts down their guns, there will be peace.
    If Israel puts down their guns there will be no more Israel.
    Dick Morris

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIPAC
    I'm not voting for McCain or Obama.

    Obama is obvious, he is about as pro illegal alien as you can get and the only line he has not stolen from them yet is "Our land our continent!"

    I will not vote for McCain for the following reasons.

    1. I will not be in a bad relationship with McCain where he can abuse me and the entire nation and still get me to bend over to service him politically.

    2. If McCain wins the national message will be "A Republican can screw over the base on immigration and still win! No need to ever revisit this issue!"

    3. If Obama wins there will be a strong chance of a populist backlash in the GOP ranks in 2010. That is what happened in 94 after Clinton's first year. If McCain wins, we lose any chance of a true conservative backlash.

    4. If McCain loses it will lead to the GOP eating the neocons butts alive for the next two years as they take the blame for the destruction in the party and nation.

    5. If McCain wins, they will tout their policies including Comprehensive Immigration Reform as the reason why.

    6. McCain is more likely to get an amnesty through Congress than Obama is.

    7. McCain lied to everyone in the Primary and talked tough on borders and then 180'd as soon as he had won.

    8. I feel more betrayed by the aristocrat level of the Republican party than I do by the Democrats. I have come to expect liberal behavior from liberal Democrats. I blame McCain more for having deprived me and every American from any real choice on some of the most important issues like illegal immigration in 2008.

    9. If McCain wins, the neocons will hunt down populist Republicans with political dogs and endeavor to expel us all from the party over the next four years. If Obama wins, McCain will not have the power to do that.

    10. Obama is so radical and inexperienced that his agenda's from the White House are more likely to fail and be rebuked by the American public.

    11. If Obama wins, the true conservative base in America will immediately rally against him.

    12. If McCain wins, the true conservative or populist base will continue to be oppressed as they are now since he won the primary.

    13. McCain is the most likely of the two candidate to continue to support and expand NAFTA, CAFTA, and the SPP.

    14. If Obama wins and goes after talk radio to try and restore the Fairness doctrine, almost all Republicans will unite against him. If McCain wins and goes to crack down on free speech on the web and talk radio the Democrats will support him and back him and the traitor Republicans as they move to dismantle our free speech with some Republican traitor support to move their agenda ahead with the appearance of bipartisanship.

    15. Each vote for McCain or Obama is a vote they can point to and claim public support for themselves, their candidacy, and their agenda.

    17. I plan to vote, but not for McCain or Obama. I do not want to have any feelings that i was in any way responsible for what either of these two V******V do once elected. I am washing my hands of this Presidential race. My conscience will be clean and I will not be a political accessory to either one of them. My slogan will be "Don't blame me, you are the ones that voted for these two traitors."

    Well said and my feelings exactly!!!!!

  5. #35
    fj45lvr's Avatar
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    I have always voted for the GOP but since they FAILE MISERABLY I won't be fooled again by their LIES.

    listen to the "American View" radio show...I am a recovering republican!!!

    vote for People that will uphold our constitution (the primary focus of the Constitution Party)

    Chuck Baldwin has my vote.

    I hope all of you realize that RINO McCain believes that we need to have a new TAX SCHEME to fight "human caused global warming" Need a person say anymore??? Game Set Match

  6. #36
    Senior Member vmonkey56's Avatar
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    I am voting Third Party - Chuck Baldwin. The Constitution Party is going to be needed after the next mess up of elected President Obama or McCain. I just hope America will last another 4 years.

    By voting CP for Chuck Baldwin it is my understanding that a group getting over 5% of votes gets funding the next election cycle.

    Are you sure you really want to vote for Obama or McCain?


    General Election Funding

    The Presidential nominee of each major party may become eligible for a public grant of $20 million (plus a cost-of-living adjustment) for campaigning in the general election.7 To be eligible to receive the public funds, the candidate must limit spending to the amount of the grant and may not accept private contributions for the campaign. Private contributions may, however, be accepted for a special account maintained exclusively to pay for legal and accounting expenses associated with complying with the campaign finance law. These legal and accounting expenses are not subject to the expenditure limit.

    In addition, candidates may spend up to $50,000 from their own personal funds. Such spending does not count against the expenditure limit.

    Minor party candidates and new party candidates may become eligible for partial public funding of their general election campaigns. (A minor party candidate is the nominee of a party whose candidate received between 5 and 25 percent of the total popular vote in the preceding Presidential election. A new party candidate is the nominee of a party that is neither a major party nor a minor party.) The amount of public funding to which a minor party candidate is entitled is based on the ratio of the party's popular vote in the preceding Presidential election to the average popular vote of the two major party candidates in that election. A new party candidate receives partial public funding after the election if he/she receives 5 percent or more of the vote. The entitlement is based on the ratio of the new party candidate's popular vote in the current election to the average popular vote of the two major party candidates in the election.

    Although minor and new party candidates may supplement public funds with private contributions and may exempt some fundraising costs from their expenditure limit, they are otherwise subject to the same spending limit and other requirements that apply to major party candidates.


    McCain will live another 10 years; why shouldn't he?
    And anyhow I hope he does; so he can see the mess he and sorry others have made of America. It will take a Third Party Candidate to fix the mess we are in. So far out of all Third Party candidates, I like Chuck Baldwin on the Closing of the Border and No amnesty. 80% of Angry Americans are going to change America I hope. (Still Hope!)
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  7. #37
    Senior Member miguelina's Avatar
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    IMHO the POTUS is but a puppet figure, therefore I will vote for Chuck Baldwin. Most importantly, we need to vote in pro-enforcement people for Congress. Immigration laws will not be up to the POTUS, but to Congress and I intend to do all I can to make sure the pro-illegals are voted OUT of office as much as possible.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by miguelina
    IMHO the POTUS is but a puppet figure, therefore I will vote for Chuck Baldwin. Most importantly, we need to vote in pro-enforcement people for Congress. Immigration laws will not be up to the POTUS, but to Congress and I intend to do all I can to make sure the pro-illegals are voted OUT of office as much as possible.
    Since his views on this most important immigration issue are the closest to mine, he will also enjoy my vote (if he's on the ballot here in PA).

    Let me tell you what I did today. I got one of those campaign solicitations from the DNC, which really made me mad (electronically signed by the O-man himself). As I started to tear it up, I realized there was a postage paid envelope for the return of Obama money. I highlighted the talking points of the letter and added my own counter points. For example, when he touted making sure that workers and their labor are properly rewarded, I asked whether he meant the foreigners taking our jobs or those of us still lucky enough to be working. You get the idea. Then I typed a very professional letter that said in no uncertain terms that as a lifelong democrat, I am disgusted with the choice my party has given me for POTUS, and at this time my decision was to vote 3rd party. I assured him however, that if the DNC dared to ask me one more time for a contribution, my vote would then go to McCain.

    A bit childish, I know, but it felt good telling them off on their own dime.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    If we vote for either of these boobs it will send a message that we are "ok" with what they are selling.By voting for a viable third party candidate we will send a strong message to both of these party's of traders that we want real change,changes that benefit American Citizens.
    We can't deport them all ? Just think of the fun we could have trying!

  10. #40
    Senior Member Dianne's Avatar
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    I will never pull the lever for McCain or Obama.. If you keep accepting crap from both these parties, that is what you will continue to get.

    Before we are overrun and become a minority in the great USA, it is time to stand strong and let the United Nations know; we will no longer accept their hacks.

    With the attitude of the initial poster of this thread.... one can only wonder how the US made it this long.

    Use your vote !!!!! It is all you have left in this country. We are not here to brag about voting for the winner... we are here to tell OUR government who we want to be our President. Unlike you, I do not want McCain or Obama to be my President and I will darn sure let the country know that with the only ammo I have left..... my vote.....

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