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  1. #91
    gramatrudy's Avatar
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    Illegal Immigration

    If any nationality has come accross the boarder illegally, then they do not deserve to be here -- there should not be any way around that. They need to go back home to their own country --apply to come to America in a legal way--If they cannot obey our laws, then they don't belong here. It is that simple.

    We must stand firm! If you don't obey the laws of America or think you are above them, we don't want you here. It is as simple as that. How many times must illegals, canidates, and Washington need to be told-- "The People of America want ONLY LEGAL immigrates!" If that offends the illegals, too bad!

    Dobbs needs to decide whose side he is on. He sounds wishy washy too me--like he is trying to please the illegals--NOt The PEOPLE!

  2. #92
    busseysmom's Avatar
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    They've got Lou

    What a slap in the face! It appears Lou was either a TV personality employed to enrage and gain ratings, or he has been threatened by the Mexican Mafia. His interview was like watching a Stepford Politician-- where is the real Lou Dobbs? I withdraw my proferred campaign contribution and am looking for a new savior to rail against ALL illegal immigration and rewarding of those here sucking off of American taxpayers and breaking our immigration laws. This is truly devastating and a set back for anti-amnesty groups. Who next? Will Al Sharpton suddenly take up the cause of Whites?

  3. #93
    Senior Member AmericanElizabeth's Avatar
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    April, I agree with you. Full faith is reserved for no man, only the Lord Himself.

    However, when it comes to Lou's flip-flop, well, those who felt they could support him, should simply back up and walk away, leave Lou alone with his newfound feelings of sympathy for those who have broken our immigration laws (along with others they break daily by being here, using fake ID, getting jobs under false pretenses and much more).

    William, I too feel that sense of disgust about hearing him back peddle on it all. I say we simply do not support any future for him in any political office. Is he pandering for that now? I have to wonder.

    It is disappointing, but our fight must go on, and not be deterred by those who do not have the guts to keep up the fight when they are faced with adversity, opposition or temptation in it all.

    I hope he will gather himself up and realize he could be losing himself by trying to appease for reasons only he knows.

    Do we retract our support, yes, I am personally.
    "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man, Brave, Hated, and Scorned. When his cause succeeds however,the timid join him, For then it costs nothing to be a Patriot." Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #94

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    Jan 1970

    Re: Shocking Lou Dobbs Video! Opinions Needed ASAP

    This interview was upsetting to say the least. I realized that Lou was spending a lot of time trying to keep it from becoming a sleazy, emotional clash and had his hands full in the effort.

    I wouldn't vote for him if he truly has in mind making an effort to legalize some portion of the criminal, illegal migrant group. There is great pressure to do just that. But, the majority of this countries citizens stand firmly against rewarding sneaks who came here without respect for our laws, and illegally, with any kind of amnesty for any reason. That doesn't mean that Lou sees it as we do. When I watched and listened to his show he did seem to soften his responses and lean toward some sort of partial amnesty under what he referred to as the right conditions. What those "right conditions" might be were never clear to me.

    This wasn't his best moment and it was difficult to feel good as he squirmed about trying to keep things moving ahead in a civil fashion. Whether or not he could have said more in the defense of Sheriff Joe, he did try to state the facts and defuse the effort that was being made to make Joe look bad despite the wonderful job he is doing. There wasn't much time allowed for Lou to speak without finger pointing and interruption.

    There is a lot of ground to be covered before it can be clearly stated that he is a turn coat and snap judgements made based on a difficult interview situation don't do any good at all.

    If Lou Dobbs is truly becoming a sell out to the Globalists and puppet masters who wish to destroy this country, it will be a while before that can be established without question. Wishing Lou to be 100% in agreement with all who wish we could just throw the illegals out and lock the borders in order for Lou to be worth our support is not a fair standard to hold him to. I wish we had a piper to lead the illegals back over the border but that only happens in fairy tales. I'd settle for a strong enforcement of our laws, closing the borders and sever punishment of employers who hire illegals as a starting place.

    This interview is a small moment in the progress of evolving events. Waiting to see what a whole presentation of goals from Lou might be could be wiser decision. A quick dismissal of him as a loyal American because of a difficult interview with a shifty TV host who was out to cow him into submission seems harsh. She tried to force him to repent everything he may have ever said that she felt was unacceptable and in so doing she wasted the majority of the program and lost the chance to hear what his goals might include. That left the listeners like us in the dark and wondering also. To bad !

    No one would come out sounding or looking wonderfully when pushed through such a hostile interview. I am withholding judgment for the moment. He made me feel uncomfortable about trusting him during this interview. However, as I previously stated, Lou didn't have much of a chance to get out a statement of his goals and we would need that to make a final decision on supporting him.

  5. #95
    makemwearpinkpanties's Avatar
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    Lou said he had the smartest audience

    Lou frequently referred to the number of amnesties since 1986 and defined as amnesty any legalization of any group of illegal aliens. So make no mistake, what lou was proposing was amnesty. This is a betrayal and treachery of the highest order. Cute lou. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately. I feel disgusted and betrayed. It turns out you are not a man of principle at all. I want nothing more to do with you.

  6. #96
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Lou needs to meet with William and have a straight up and down talk about his positions and agree to a simple policy: secure the borders by all means necessary, enforce US immigration law to the letter, expand 287 (g) nationwide, make E-Verify mandatory, and deport every illegal alien in the country with their families intact, no exceptions, no excuses, no mercy. Period.

    Unless someone has the hundreds of billions of dollars on hand to fund the presence of illegal aliens in the United States whether they remain illegal or are legalized, then every US citizen from Lou Dobbs to anyone else needs to get with the program or shut up.

    We are at a crisis, dealing with a catastrophe, caused by illegal immigration, excess legal chain migration, Anchor Babies and H1B, H2B and Ag Job Visas at the same time that free trade treason is sucking all our jobs and money supply out the country. The catastrophe is that we are 40 million jobs short of what we need to sustain our country, 32 million lost to free trade deficits and another 8 to 10 million stolen by illegal aliens. That's before we count the cost of legal immigration and visa holders.

    There is no room for even 1 politician or 1 potential candidate to waffle on this. Not an inch, not even a fraction of an inch. There is no time to be spent sputtering ridiculous sputum about "civil rights" and "humane treatment" when we have 62 million US citizens and Legal Immigrants on MediCaid and SCHIP, with another 48 million with no health insurance at all or any means to pay their medical bills, with almost 30 million legal workers laid off because their job was handed to an illegal alien, a legal immigrant or shipped off-shore, not even counting the poor people who have died and/or retired into poverty as the years have gone by from this outright treason.

    This is actual genocide of US citizens through poverty and unemployment. There is no job to spare, there is no dime to give, there is no way to fund illegal aliens or their offspring under any condition or circumstance at this point. None whatsoever. We don't even have the money in our national and state treasuries to provide for the millions of US citizens and their offspring who already have nothing and the vast numbers of others who have 1 foot already out their doors with nothing but destitution facing them.

    If anyone should understand this, Lou Dobbs should, and if he does, then he needs to say it in every single interview he has from this point forward. Otherwise, I don't see how we can support him and we need to withdraw our pledges.

    The solutions are simple:

    1. secure the borders to stop the flow, not manage the flow, not reduce the flow, not control the flow, STOP THE FLOW.

    2. round up and deport all illegal aliens who are here with their families intact including US citizens born here, they can return when they are 21 and old enough to live on their own here provided they give up the native citizenship of their parents when they do.

    3. change policy on anchor babies and birthright citizenship when neither parent is a US citizen.

    4. reduce legal immigration to the 1970's replacement level.

    5. issue no H1B or H2B visas until the broad-based U6 unemployment rate is below 5%. That means we have to bring home and create over 25 million new jobs and fill them all with US citizens, before we open up or renew any foreign worker visas.

    It's not complicated. It's very simple. Either you're with US or you're against US. Our country is falling apart. If we don't get serious and demand the solutions we already know are the ones that will work, then we're lost and the American Dream we're all fighting for was burned with the flag burning at the last La Raza protest, and we just didn't know it because we still believed we can still save our country from this disaster.

    I still believe we can. I also still believe we will. But we have to get the message straight, it must be clear, it must be concise, it must be legal, and it must be right. And then we can take our message all the way to the US Congress, the Media, the White House, every living room of every US citizen and Legal immigrant, and every Union Hall in the country, and they will support US and any candidate that supports that message.

    But we must be clear ourselves as to what we want. We can't be afraid to say we want to deport all illegal aliens. We have to say that, explain why, and have a plan for it which requires the involvement of every police and law enforcement agency in the country. It means when you find 1 illegal, you search out accomplices, including family members, friends, smugglers and labor brokers. It means when you find 1 illegal alien at a work place, you go to their home and look for other 30 illegal aliens, accomplices, other illegal family members and deport them en groupe.

    1 stone. 30 birds. Follow the drill and suddenly its 30000 birds, then 300000, then 3 million, and then 30 million or more counting their offspring, and the problem has been solved. Then we can fix our country for the benefit of US citizens which is our solemn duty as US citizens.

    Anyone who doesn't understand that, can't help lead US to where we need to be. We must find out whether Lou understands this or not, because sadly it didn't appear today that he does.
    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  7. #97
    NewYorkRob's Avatar
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    Lou Dobbs was bushwhacked

    Obviously the interviewer was trying to smear Lou Dobbs.

    I'm well aware of Lou Dobbs' position. Lou may be for reform and certain legal immigration principles.

    The interviewer kept on talking about the "civil" rights of illegal immigrants. What civil rights? Where in the Constitution does it say illegal immigrants have rights.

    Lou Dobbs has it right, she was all rhetoric.

    Illegal immigration is an issue and we need to deal with it.

    Immigration reform does not mean amnesty. We can reform policy to flatly deny any entry period.

    I don't see anything unusual to Lou Dobbs views nor do I see the evidence as Lou Dobbs is a sell-out!

    Sorry. I hope this thread is not an attempt to compile a negative view of Lou Dobbs.

  8. #98
    sassypantz's Avatar
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    Lou Dobbs Telemundo interview

    Yes, I, too am disappointed with how Lou handled the pushy interviewer. Not the Lou I loved to watch who had firmness and resolve regarding building a wall and giving no quarter to those here illegally. He railed against amnesty, drivers licenses or anything else for the illegal crowd, feeling they are not entitled, which is true.

    What has happened, Lou, where is that fighting spirit? If you need and want our backing, re-stiffen that spine. Otherwise, how in heck do you differ from the Dems and Rs who fear them?

  9. #99

    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    I'm in total shock and feel as though a dear friend had just passed...He must of been threatened of some sort. Whatever the reason, it will all come out very soon, but will not change the way I feel about him now...I'm sick to my stomach.

  10. #100
    rcarroll88's Avatar
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    Dobbs fit for Senate

    After wasting 20 minutes of the interview rehashing random sound bytes from the past, he finally succeeded in calming the hostess' passion into a semblance of reason or at least, paying attention. His calm in ignoring her inflammatory jibes alone would make him a good politician. If he wants to become senator from New Jersey, that's fine with me. God knows he's far more honest and upright than the vast majority in that shameless syndicate in Washington.

    I became an Independent long before it was chic. That led me down the roads of Perot then Buchanan. I regret neither vote but am understandably wary of labels. Future political debate will be narrowed to conservative vs. liberal. Being an independent or a republican or democrat is probably going to be meaningless.

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